Personalising my Denim Jacket

 One of my New Year goals was to learn how to make clothes, specifically make some vintage style dresses. Starting my sewing journey, I wanted to sew all of the badges I've collected in my life onto my denim jacket. Obviously, I'm aware that swimming badges from when I was six and all my girl guiding badges aren't exactly the coolest things in the world and don't quite meet 'Insta girl' aesthetic requirements but then again I'm not pretending to be the cool trend setter, I'm just being me and doing the things that I enjoy. Therefore, I got out the sewing basket and sat on the sofa, with The Crown on in the background which, can I just say, is AMAZING, and began my attempt at personalizing my vintage denim jacket. 

So far, it's going wayyyyy better than expected. I've successfully sewn 14 of my Guiding badges onto the jacket and I've worn it out the house without any falling off so it's a job well done! I expected it to take a long time to do just a few badges but I've been doing about four every sitting so I think I underestimated my current skills! 

That's about all I have to say but the main thing I want to get across is you do you! I've started one of my goals and I'm doing it because I want  to do it, above all, I'm really enjoying learning a new skill and if I manage to make a dress by the end of this year, I shall proudly wear it on Christmas day knowing I've achieved my goal! 

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alice rhodes

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